Travel Medicine Treatments

Your Passport to Safe & Healthy Travel

Cosmetic Surgery
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Root Canals
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Tooth Extraction
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Crowns & Caps
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What We Offer

Travel Medicine Services

We’re dedicated to ensuring your travel experiences are not just memorable but also safe and healthy. Our Travel Medicine Services offer comprehensive pre-travel consultations for both international and domestic travelers. We assist you in identifying the necessary immunizations and treatments required for your journey, providing you with peace of mind as you explore the world.
Verification of documents for the permission of drivers to travel during quarantine. Covid-19

Guidelines & Expertise

Our travel medicine services are guided by recommendations and guidelines established by national and international travel health authorities. We stay up-to-date with the latest information to ensure your travel health is well-managed and protected.

Understanding Vaccines

Ever wondered how vaccines work? They are injected under the skin, where they attract the attention of immune cells known as dendritic cells. These cells send signals that stimulate an immune response. When it comes to travel vaccines, they serve as vital tools in teaching your immune system to recognize and defend against foreign pathogens you might encounter during your travels. It’s a crucial part of ensuring your health and safety abroad.
Child Vaccination Closeup
Young man ill with flu in office

Our Vaccine Offerings

As part of our Travel Medicine Services, we provide vaccinations and preventive measures for a range of travel-related illnesses, including:

  • Flu: Protect yourself from seasonal influenza, especially when traveling to regions with different flu seasons.

  • Pneumonia: Safeguard your respiratory health with pneumonia vaccinations, essential for certain destinations.

  • Measles: Ensure you’re up to date with measles vaccinations, especially when traveling to areas with outbreaks.

  • Polio: Stay protected against polio, particularly if you’re visiting regions where it’s still a concern.

  • Meningitis: Get vaccinated against meningitis, an essential precaution for some travel destinations.

Your health and well-being during your travels are our top priorities. Before embarking on your next adventure, consult with our experts to ensure you have the right vaccinations and information to stay healthy wherever you go.


Contact NextGen today to schedule your pre-travel consultation and set out on your journeys with confidence.

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